By using the NancysCorner.com website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not access or use the NancysCorner.com website. Nancy ’s Corner reserves the right at its discretion to change the terms of this website.
By visiting the NancysCorner.com website, you agree that the laws of the state of Louisiana, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these terms and conditions and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and NancysCorner.com.
If you order from NancysCorner.com you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password. You are also responsible for restricting access to your computer and agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account and password. Nancy’s Corner reserves the right to terminate accounts of refuse orders at is sole discretion.
All prices are in U.S. Dollars. Nancy’s Corner makes every effort to ensure that its prices are up to date and accurate. Nonetheless, any pricing information on this site is subject to change without notice. By placing an order to purchase a product you agree to pay the purchase price set forth on the NancysCorner.com website. In the event a product is listed at an incorrect price due to a typographical or programming error, Nancy ’s Corner has the right to cancel any order listed at an incorrect price. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is cancelled, Nancy’s Corner will promptly issue a credit to your card account in the amount charged to your credit card.
NancysCorner.com uses industry standards. Security measures to protect your confidential information. Your encrypted information travels via secure lines, where it is decoded on our secure server.
All website design, graphics and text, as well as the selections and arrangement thereof, are copyright of Nancy ’s Corner and NancysCorner.com. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Customers are permitted to view and download into hardcopy the materials on this website for the sole purpose of ordering from NancysCorner.com provided the material is not modified and all copyright notices contained within the materials are retained. Any other use of the contents of this website, including distribution, modification, and republication or mirroring any material contained in this site on any other server without the prior written consent of Nancy’s Corner is strictly prohibited.